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Share this information with your colleagues, friends and family.
Tell your friend who already has a solar heating system to be part of the campaign.

Become a Brand Ambassador and get more exposure internationally.

Be a Heat Changer and send us your picture or video and your quotation.

By sharing information about the Heat Changers, you’re helping to educate, inspire, and motivate a new community of people to become Heat Changers and convert to solar heat energy.

Amplifying our voice

We use a lot of critical and contaminating energy sources to get HOT WATER every day, such as gas or oil. But there is a better option: SOLAR ENERGY


Energy from the sun is FREE and UNLIMITED,
and it doesn’t have any harmful emissions.

La ENERGIA SOLAR es gratis e ilimitada, y no causa emisiones nocivas.

The technology to harness SOLAR ENERGY for heating water already exists and can easily replace less green ways of heating water.

Sistema presurizado con colectores de tubos evacuados para calentamiento de agua sanitaria y calefacción en una cabaña en Suiza.

Pressurized system with evacuated tube collectors for water and space heating in a cottage in Switzerland.

Sistema de concentración solar con colectores cilíndrico-parabólicos para procesos industriales en México.

Concentrating solar system with parabolic trough collectors for industrial processes in Mexico.

Sistema termosifónico con colectores solares planos para agua caliente sanitaria en un fraccionamiento residencial en Brasil.

Thermosifon system with flat plate collectors in a residential building for solar water heating in Brazil.

Sistema presurizado con colectores planos para agua caliente sanitaria y calefacción en un edificio multifamiliar en Alemania.

Pressurized system with flat plate collectors for water and space heating in a multi-family building in Germany.

However, awareness of this option is very low, and information about it can be confusing and overwhelming.

Pero el nivel de conscientización es muy bajo y la información al respecto puede ser confusa y abrumante.

We want to change that.

we are heat-changers
Marisol Oropeza

Marisol Oropeza · Mexico · 
Marketing expert

Stefan Abrecht

Stefan Abrecht · Germany · 
Solar thermal expert

Roger Conradi

Roger Corradini · Germany · 

Markus Elsässer

Markus Elsässer · Germany ·                  Solar tradeshow organizer

Ken Guthrie

Ken Guthrie · Australia · 
Standardization expert

Bernhard Weyres-Borchert

Bernhard Weyres-Borchert · Germany ·  Presi­dent of the German Society for Solar Energy (DGS)

Our goal is to spread awareness of how cost-effective, reliable, and environmentally-friendly solar thermal energy is.

We’re building a website, creating videos of Heat Changers sharing their experiences and knowledge, and using social media to expand our network.

And you can be part
of this project.

heat changer
Participation form: Be a Heat Changer

Title of the campaign: Heat Changers

Activity: person on the picture / interview / testimonial

I agree to be involved as a person on the picture / interviewee / testimonial in the aforementioned campaign.

    My picture/video

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    © 2022 Heat Changers by matters.mx
    Legal Disclosure    Data policy     Be a Heat Changer and send us your picture or video and your quotation.